Sunday, July 13, 2008

New Church and Other Church Related Ramblings

I have been praying for awhile now, that God would prompt Erik to want to find a new church. I've been hinting for awhile now, but he's been kind of resistant to the idea, so I've just been waiting on him to see if God lays the same thing on his heart.
First, I want to say, I love our church. It's fabulous and we've made wonderful friends there. Lifelong friends I'm sure. But, the reality is that we are the youngest couple there and we are desperately seeking out Christian peers at this point in our lives.
I randomly asked Erik last night if he wouldn't mind trying a new church today. I've been stalking their website for awhile now, just hoping we could visit. He agreed. We went and fell in love. I think for the most part, the deal is done.
The majority of people in the church are at our stage in life. Married awhile, a couple kids and Jesus lovers. In fact, today I already talked to the MOPS coordinator about helping this year with the MOPS program, and then she invited me to a playgroup on Weds. We so need this in our lives right now and I am praising God that Erik and I are in total agreement and at peace with this choice.
Oh and my other church related rambling. If you haven't read Donald Millers Blue Like Jazz... you can't possibly be okay. Talk about a life changing, view shifting, eye opening book. A must read for all Christians... at least in my not so humble opinion.
Oh yes and I wanted to share my new favorite poem. It's a C.S Lewis poem and it cuts to the heart of things. I read it almost everyday and then walk around depressed because man is so pathetic, but I quickly replace that depression with joy because God is so merciful and awesome that He brings us out of exile and back to Him... and He does it because He wants to! How awesome is He?! Honestly, I can't even imagine the pain of not knowing Him. Actually I can. I've been there, and it's painful.
So, here's the poem.

As the Ruin Falls

All this is flashy rhetoric about loving you.
I never had a selfless thought since I was born.
I am mercenary and self-seeking through and through:
I want God, you, all friends, merely to serve my turn.

Peace, re-assurance, pleasure, are the goals I seek,
I cannot crawl one inch outside my proper skin:
I talk of love --a scholar's parrot may talk Greek--
But, self-imprisoned, always end where I begin.

Only that now you have taught me (but how late) my lack.
I see the chasm. And everything you are was making
My heart into a bridge by which I might get back
From exile, and grow man. And now the bridge is breaking.

For this I bless you as the ruin falls. The pains
You give me are more precious than all other gains.

C S Lewis

Oh and the last thing I wanted to share. This has nothing to do with Christ or Christianity... but it's freaking hilarious.

Funniest Song Ever