Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hanson's Clues ;)

The other day, I decided to put together a mini scavenger hunt for the kids. It was more like, a scavenger hunt to all the errands I had to run, but they had a blast and so did I! We took pictures at all the places we went.
What I did was write up clues that rhymed, explaining that you play it kinda like the "blues clues" show and voila! Turned into a super fun day REALLY quick! The kids LOVED it and they guessed all my clues.
Here is how the game went:

Clue #1
You need to be quiet or you'll get lots of looks,
Here you'll find Clifford and lots of great books!
Answer: The Lbirary! (They have a big stuffed Clifford)


Clue #2
If you like nuggets, shakes & fries,
You'll love to buy food from these guys
Answer: You should know!


Clue #3
Here you can swing, slide & play
This place is fun on a sunny day!
Answer: The Park


Clue #4
Mrs. Tammy, Jode & Dori too
When you go here next week, your teacher is new!
Answer: School!



The last clue ended us up at Nana's house (Erik's mom) but I forgot a picture. So anyway, that was that! It was truly a blast!


Meri said...

I just wanted to let you know I am stealing this idea ;)!

Robyn said...

personally I think you took a little easy on them.

Unknown said...

what a great idea!