Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bump on a Log = Gluestick?

Well, we finally got that big old cyst off of Bump on a Log's face! Thank the Lord, because for me, it was distracting from his utter cuteness. (Yes, I am vain and I'm not afraid to say it). Anyhow, Bump on a Log (furthermore referred to as Ryan because I'm getting to lazy to type that all out) went in for surgery last Thursday. This was something that kind of irritated me b/c we were set for surgery last Monday (Aug 18), however, they called on like Thursday or Friday to reschedule b/c there was an "emergency" surgery scheduled by the neurosurgeon for Ryan's Monday time slot. Um, what kind of emergency surgery doesn't happen for four days!!!?? I was kind of irked since all the arrangements had been made for kids, who was coming with me (surgeries aren't really Erik's sort of thing!), etc. So anyhow, I had to change it to Thursday (begrudgingly).
Well, we had to be there by six am... no nursing for Ryan after 3:30am (woke him at 3). He did well, because he didn't even get into surgery til 8:30am (an hour late!). So he went in, and was done about an hour later. I went back to see my little guy and lets say he was a little mad when he woke up!
It took awhile, but after about two hours, he got over the mad phase and ate again. As the anesthesia wore off, Ryan started becoming himself again. For those of you don't know, Ryan is truly the most amazing baby I have ever met. He's not happy in a car, but other than that he is the most smiley, compliant, lovable, kid ever. Truly, he is a perfect baby. I couldn't imagine a better baby then him (except in a car!).
Anyway, the little guy is recovering nicely and is totally himself. He looks WAY better without the bump. He also looks SUPER tough with that scar.
Oh I almost forgot about the gluestick title! When they did the surgery, instead of stitches, they used some sort of surgical glue to seal the opening up. It's kinda smeared on there like you would do with a gluestick... so my mom (Sussa), started calling him gluestick. It probably won't stick (No pun intended!), but its a cute name for now.

Here he is with me beforehand in the consult room

Immediately after Surgery

Recovering with Sussa

Right after we got home

Later on in the evening with Nana

And here he is last night (Saturday Aug 23)

All in all, it was a great experience. Children's Hospital has been VERY good to us this year! We've had three surgeries and three successes. The nurses, doctors and support staff have all been fabulous! We love them all, but hope to not see them again for a very long time!


Shanna said...

Awwww, lookit your little man, lookin' all tough and grown up. Hee.

Meri said...

Awww! What a tough little man! He does look all tough with that scar, he will get all the girls now! lol

Robyn said...

He kinda looks like Frankenstein.

Kristin said...

Hee hee... LOVE that last pic! He looks like he's got his hands in his pocket and is just chillin'. :)

His forehead looks SO GOOD! Yay!