Friday, September 19, 2008


Yes, that is right. Bailey has had a fever for SEVEN days of over 104. She topped the charts at 105.5 and has gone over 105 almost each day. It's pretty much been absolutely insane.
We took her to the doctor and she took a FULL course of antibiotics which did no good. So, I guess it was viral. Today, however, she did fine and for the first time had no high fevers. Yay! We think the light at the end of tunnel is near!
Anyway, sorry I haven't been around, things have been CRAZY. I took some photos of her with a high temp and it is not a pretty sight. I'll post them when I can find my card reader to insert into my computer. I can't find them right now and am too tired/lazy to look. Okay found them and got the energy to post one of her.
Anyway, that's where I've been. Pretty much in a panic and in a worried state. Hopefully next week I can catch everyone else up. For any friends that read this, sorry if I've ignored, haven't called you back, etc. I've been busy with her and then the other too.
OH and on top of that... Erik had a vasectomy today! Yay!


Jen said...

So sorry to hear about Bailey... we missed you last night for the girls dinner... 16 girls.. we had a blast... you will have to make the next one. Take care... call when things settle down... Jen x

Jen said...

erik - ouch!

christalee said...

You can't just casually drop the word "vasectomy" like that! Sorry to hear about yoru poor daughter. I can't imagine how traumatic that must have been for you. Did she break out in a rash after the fever broke?

Rachel said...

Christa... no she didn't break out into a rash. We thought it was roseola or whatever too. BUt no, just some freakishly insane virus.